On Sale Now

100 Christian Books that Changed the Century

The Taste of New Wine

by Keith Miller


Purchase books, audio files, small group resources, and workbooks by Keith Miller and Andrea Wells Miller, including out-of-print and hard-to-find titles.

Free Resources

Instantly download free resources, including Keith’s “How Can I Find God?” booklet and “A Spiritual Adventure” brochure. 

Small Groups

Are small groups necessary? Keith thinks so. Learn about curriculum for The Edge of Adventure, A Hunger for Healing, and Write from the Heart. 

About Us

From the oil industry to the best-seller list, with many obstacles and opportunities in between, learn how God wrote Keith and Andrea’s story. 

“I’m telling you, once and for all, that unless you return to square one and start over like children, you’re not even going to get a look at the kingdom, let alone get in.”

Matthew 18:3 
The Message

Square one

Keith’s Final Word

“One day, after years of study, I was reading through the Gospel of Matthew. Suddenly, somewhere along the way, I began to see everything differently—as if I had undergone cataract surgery. I lay down my pen and somehow just “stepped into” the story as I was reading Eugene Peterson’s equivalency translation (The Message). It was as if I were standing on the edge of a crowd that Jesus was addressing, and he had just glanced directly at me standing there…”

Weekly Devotionals and Blogs

Weekly Blog—from an 84 Year Old Novice

I have been sitting here for some time, writing my heart out to you on our new software program.  I was telling you about our family’s solution to not having quality time together with our kids, grandkids and great grandkids.  After pouring my heart out for three...

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Facing One’s Own Death

Facing One’s Own Death

Keith, What have you learned as a Christian about death and dying?  As an 84-year-old, how are you handling the fact that statistically your own death is not far off for you?   In the first place, death is real for everyone—Christians and all others.   But death is...

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Finding the Courage to Begin: Monkey See, Monkey Do

Finding the Courage to Begin: Monkey See, Monkey Do

Dear Keith, Where and how did you learn to be open about personal problems all Christians face?    A “C-minus!” I couldn’t believe it!  I’d been a good student all my life and had spent hours developing, writing, and editing this, my first sermon for a homiletics...

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