Weekly Devotionals and Blogs



The chapter (in The Edge of Adventure) on prayer gave me several new insights into better ways to communicate with God rather than pray to God. My all day long praying became more responsive. I try to listen more.
Help from Startling Places

Help from Startling Places

As many of you read in the last blog posted here, Keith died on January 22, 2012, three months after we learned of his stage 4, very advanced, bile duct cancer.  As July 22 looms ahead of me, arriving on the same day of the week (Sunday) as the day he died, I feel...

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Keith Goes Home

Keith Goes Home

Dear Friends, I'm writing to inform you that Keith went to be with Jesus yesterday, Sunday January 22nd 2012, at 3:00 pm.  Keith's last few weeks here on earth were peaceful.  He was visited by many friends and relatives whom he was always pleased to see.  Andrea was...

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Christmas Eve

Christmas Eve

Keith has written several blogs recently.  Due to a week of confusion they are just now ready to post.  We apologize for the time lag. December 24, 2011 This morning our friend Trice took me to a meeting of a group of men.  These men have had such an enormous positive...

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