Weekly Devotionals and Blogs
Blessed at the End of Your Rope
Recently I was reading in the gospel of Matthew and ran across Jesus’ first teaching to the disciples. He starts it out this way: “You’re blessed when you’re at the end of your rope because then there is less of you and more of God and his rule.” What in the world...
When Problems Come in Waves
I feel like I’m drowning. I’m over my head in conflicting problems. I don’t know what to do, and there is no one I feel safe enough to talk to about all this, yet you are able to write openly about some really hard problems, and how small groups have helped you. ...
Correction to “What Makes A Life Meaningful?”
On February 4th I posted a blog titled “What Makes A Life Meaningful.” In that blog I was wrestling with the fact that as an old man (of 83) it seems to me about all I can do is help a few people find hope and meaning by helping them find sobriety and/or a new life...
Child-Training the Bored and Restless Ones
Dear Keith, my husband and I are both Christians. We are doing our best to teach our two young sons how to treat other people—thinking about other people’s feelings, showing respect and using good manners. They seem so uninterested when we explain these things to...
Stepping into Reality… from Fear
Keith, I am so afraid that my life is not going to turn out well. My closest relationship is in shambles. No one knows this because in my family we were trained not to admit our fears or our failures. But in my heart of hearts my fears have gotten so big that there...
What Makes A Life Meaningful?
I was thinking I’ve had my shot. I’m an old man and all I can do is help a few people find hope and meaning by helping them find sobriety and/or a new life of faith in God. But helping some pretty negative and defiant people in these ways didn’t seem to me to be...
Changes in Our Marriage
Dear Keith, last year at this time my marriage was beautiful. We could tell each other anything, were very much in love, and enjoyed being together and with the children. We realized how good things were and swore we’d always keep them that way. But a year later...
Can God Help with My To-Do List?
Keith, I seem to be constantly overwhelmed with stuff to do! I am busy all day getting things done, but the list of what DIDN’T get done seems always longer than what I did get done! I can hardly go to sleep at night because I worry about how I will ever get caught...
Keeping Up or Keeping On?
Keith, If the church is going to make it in increasingly complex political, social, and economic worlds, don’t you think our first priority to be effective Christian communicators should be to keep up, to learn all we can about the latest advances in these fields? ...