Weekly Devotionals and Blogs
A Rim of Light
With elections just completed and Thanksgiving creeping up on us, we are in the midst of the screamers on the radio and television talk shows warning us of the “crooks” running for office, or the “blindness and the incompetence” of our elected representatives, and of...
Just Be There
Dear Keith, I’m having trouble with my prayer life. I’m not getting a lot of my prayers answered. (And I’m praying “in Jesus’ name.”) He indicated that he would answer prayers that were prayed in his name. Can you shed any light on that? And can you advise me...
Impossible Answers to Impossible Questions
Who is God, and what is the Bible really all about? I try to tell my children that God is love. But I see God’s people in the Bible (and in history today) slaughter people in God’s name. Can you give me a simple definition of who God is and what the Bible is all...
The Gamble of Faith
Dear Keith, I made a decision to give my life to Christ over ten years ago. It felt so freeing—to be able to trust God with the struggles in my life. But periodically I go through times of not being able to sleep, of going over my situation with a magnifying glass...
Exposing A Well-Guarded Secret
I have been going to my church for over five years. The sermons are helpful, and I’m learning a lot from the classes offered there. But when I look around at other people talking and laughing before meetings or classes begin it seems like most of them have special...
How can I Change my Mind?
Keith, I’ve recently become a Christian. Everybody says I’ve got to be willing to let God into my life, and to let God guide my life. So I finally am willing, but nothing has happened. Can you help me? This is an excellent question, maybe the best anyone could ask...
Something is Broken
I have been disloyal to my wife and she found out. I’ve confessed, and have also confessed to God. I feel like God has forgiven me, and I’ve forgiven myself. But my spouse says “It’s not that easy—that something’s broken—that ‘being sorry’ won’t fix it.” She said...
Is there Any Power in Simple Loving?
Sometimes I feel like my life for Christ doesn’t amount to much. I don’t do big things that change people or their lives, and I don’t know how to do that. Someone told me that they felt their purpose is just to love people. But I can’t see how simple acts of love...
Driving Through Life
Last week I got a text message from a new friend: “Can you tell me what God is to you?” I realized how different a world we live in to try to communicate the Gospel (than the one I learned about God). Not that the question was bad in any way. It was a great...