
What To Do With The Rest of Your Life: Awakening and Achieving Your Unspoken Dreams


In this compelling fictional narration Keith Miller captures our imaginations and also explains how to determine one’s individual creative desires, guiding readers through a process of self-discovery and discernment through a selection of questions, exercises, and suggestions on how to uncover what they really want out of life, helping to reawaken our forgotten dreams and showing us a way we can move toward making them a reality!


364 in stock


Wise men and women are in touch with who they are and where they are going. With practical inner wisdom, they can clearly see their dreams and life goals, remove anything that blocks their dreams, and solve complex problems easily and with little stress. What do they know that we don’t know? In this compelling fictional narration Keith Miller captures our imaginations and also leads us through exercises to help us reawaken our forgotten dreams and shows us a way we can move toward making them a reality!

247 pages

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Weight 0.45 lbs

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